How many of you have grown up in a religious home?
My guess is many of you. Growing up in our household in my earlier years was difficult, at least for me. I'm empathic. From a very young age, I could sense and feel other people's pain and suffering. It would cause me to do the very same. If they were feeling sad and I was in their presence, I would get that feeling as well. If they were crying, I'd start crying as well; I think you get the picture. This was especially true when it came to my family, namely my mother. Whenever she was sad, which seemed to be a lot of the time, I would be sad, when she cried, I cried. The first time I remember this happening was when I was three years old and we got the call from the hospital that my grandmother had died. She had breast cancer. My mother sat down on the piano bench in the living room and started to cry. I remember having this overwhelming sense of sadness and started to cry along with my mother. This, of course, was not limited to my family. Like I stated before, if I were in your presence and you had intense feelings, I felt them along with you.
Growing up with this, I learned to control my feelings more and more, and to this day, I can't cry unless I myself am in great sadness. I suppose there was a wall built over the years that caused me to separate my own feelings from those of others. I still empathize, but I will not cry or get down as I used to.
My parents fought a lot. During the time between the ages of 8 and 13, my parents fought, or had a heated 'discussion' what seemed like daily. And some weeks it was daily. I can't remember exactly what each argument was about, but I do remember crying myself to sleep on several occasions.
Now, at this point I have to say that I'm going to get religious on you, so if you do not wish to read this part, please skip over this part and move on to the rest of the page.
On one of these night, I was specially sad and had cried myself to sleep. I know it was around January or February because I still had my mini Christmas tree with red lights lit on my desk at the foot of my bed. It was this night that I woke up suddenly and saw something that will stay with me for all time. Only a few people have heard my account.
I woke up, as stated, and at the foot of my bed, just to the right of it was a figure. It was like a pillar of light. Was not blinding, but definitely piercing, as around it, the lights and darkness stayed the same. I could tell that it was not only just a pillar of light, but a figure. Yes, as you are probably guessing, I, to this day, believe it was my guardian angel. No one can convince me that it was not. I was not on any drugs or hallucinating, this was real; was not a dream either. When I saw this figure, I remember feeling this overwhelming sense of peace and comfort. I can't describe it any differently than this calmness that I have never since felt in my entire life. After what must have been only a couple minutes or moments, I simply went back to sleep and had the best rest of my life. Since then I've never had much trouble sleeping.
Now religion has always been a huge part of my life. My family, ever Friday night would get together for worship. This happened most nights during the week as well. We'd read from the bible and discuss our opinions on the particular subject. I remember these times as being some of the best moments of my life. My parents had their faults as most do, but I could not have asked for better. Though sometimes I did asked God why I was born into this family. Now, as an adult, I'm beginning to understand. There are experiences in my life, both good and bad, that would not have happened and could have directly affected the lives of several different people had I not been born into this particular family. Though the bad were all made by my own choice. I believe our choices shape the course of our lives in both positive and negative ways. Usually, the bad are choices made without the aide of God to help guide us in the right direction.
I believe those who were never brought up into a Godly family are still guided in good ways by God because of his undying love for all of us. Those who are supposedly 'ungodly' can still live Godly lives as long as their morals follow the guidelines. Like it says in the Bible 'Love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and the second is like unto it, Love thy neighbor as you would love thyself.' Can't get more simple than that. The third passage that sums it up is this, and even if you are not religious have heard this passage. 'For God so loved the world, he gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him, shall not parish, but have eternal life.' All the rest before or after do not begin to some up the message of the bible better than this.
People have a human inclination to make simple things and explanations more complicated than they really are. Why do you think He wrote 'come to Me as a child'. Children follow their parents with faith that they will lead them in the right direction and protect them...this of course is not always the case because we live in a corrupt world, but this was God's idea for humanity. Children are innocent as we are to be when we first start to learn about the character of Christ. We have to think simply and try not over analyze the meaning behind every text or take it literally.
My belief is that the Bible was never meant to be taken literally. It was meant to be a guide for living. A book with examples of lives and situations that show us what to do and what not to do. It was also meant to show us what to expect in the future, but was not meant for over analysis or interpretation. That's why in the bible, the people of God were given Prophets, because the human condition clouded their minds and made it hard to understand God's plan for them. Time and again humanity let God down. And because He loved us so much, he just kept on trying, kept on changing His strategy.
Now people are going to hate me here, specially the bible thumpers. God makes mistakes! Yes, I said it. It is my belief, that God, even in his purity and godliness, makes mistakes. Him, like us, is given the choice, He is given the ultimate choices that shape the lives of every human, creature, and living thing in this entire world, not to mention the universe. I believe it is because of His love for this world that He has allowed Himself to make choices that He normally would not because of his Undying, unwavering love for humanity. We were made in His image, in His Likeness, We ate from the tree of 'Knowledge of Good and Evil'. We are as God, in so many ways, the only difference is we have the capacity to do wrong. God does not. But to make mistakes does not mean to do wrong. His mistakes are not as our mistakes. First mistake, was to allow Lucifer to live...No one seems to realize that God could have wiped out Lucifer and all the fallen Angels, with one word they would have existed no longer. But he allowed them to be thrown out of Heaven. This was done out of His love for His angels. Nothing more can explain it. His second mistake was to allow Adam and Eve to continue living after eating from the forbidden tree. He could have erased them from the Garden and created a new and improved Adam and from him, another Eve. But no, out of love, He allowed them to live...yes with consequence, but they lived. Therefore we lived. Third mistake, Choosing a single people to be his 'Chosen Ones'. These people, the Jews were meant to be the survivors, the people that were to replace the third of the Angels that had fallen with Lucifer. But though He loved them, they failed Him. Throughout history it's been the same, though God has loved us, and watched over us and tried to help guide us, we have continue to fail Him, not only because of the presence of Sin in our lives, but because of our capacity to choose. This power of Choice is what allows us to go against God's plans for us.
I believe it is not until we give up this 'Choice' and truly give our self over to God that we can become pure and be like Him. This of course is the hardest decision to make. I myself struggle with this. I trust God with all my heart, but I cannot deny that I've made choices in my life, many in fact, that have not been Godly or even moral.
In closing. We are the human condition, it is we who get in our way. If we would just give ourselves over to Him and surrender completely, life would not be simpler, but easier to handle for we would know that though others may persecute, punish, ridicule, admonish, or scorn, God is always on our side and is ALWAYS Good to those who love Him.
To be continued. A Special thanks to Jake for your comment. Always appreciated. Thank you! :-)
Hi my beloved son...this is the first time I blog....
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, I would like to say I'm sorry for your suffering growing up. I made many mistakes back were very kind in the telling of your story. Could you forgive your mother? Well, I have to say that I totally agree with you that God loves us very very much! Nature and the revelation alike testify of God's love. Our Father in heaven is the source of life, of wisdom, and of joy. Look at the wonderful and beautiful things of nature. Think of their marvelous adaptation to the needs and happiness, not only of man, but of all living creatures. The sunshine and the rain, that gladden and refresh the earth, the hills and seas and plains, all speak to us of the creator's love. In the beautiful words of the psalmist: "The eyes of all wait upon Thee; And Thou givest them their meat in due season. Thou openest Thine hand, And satisfiest the desire of every living thing." Psalm 145:15,16. To be
ReplyDeleteThank you mom! Love you so much. Your comments and everyone's are always appreciated and welcomed. There is nothing to more forgive, and all else is forgiven. Forgetting has always been my weakness, though I may forgive, it's always been hard for me to forget. But the past is left there with no regrets. I love you and always will. Nothing you do to me or have done to me will ever change that. Your son
ReplyDeleteThank you my son...And I want you to know that you being Gay does not stop me from loving you with all my heart...because I love you so much-I want you to be happy on this earth and in heaven. Continueing...God made man perfectly holy and happy; and the fair earth, as it came from the Creator's hand, bore no blight of decay or shadow of the curse. It is transgression of God's law-the law of love-that has brought woe and death. Yet even amid the suffering that results from sin, God's love is revealed. It is written that God cursed the ground for man's sake. Genesis 3:17. The thorn and the thistle-the difficulties and trials that make his life one of toil and care-were appointed for his good as a part of the training needful in God's plan for his uplifting from the ruin and degradation that sin has wrought. The world, though fallen, is not all sorrow and misery. In nature itself are messages of hope and comfort. There are flowers upon the thistles, and the thorns are covered with roses. "God is love" is written upon every opening bud, upon every spire of springing grass. The lovely birds making the air vocal with their happy songs, the delicately tinted flowers in their perfection perfuming the air, the lofty trees of the forest with their rich foliage of living green-all testify to the tender, fatherly care of our God and to His desire to make His children happy.
DeleteCont.-The word of God reveals His character. He Himself has declared His infinite love and pity. When Moses prayed, "Show me Thy glory," Exodus 33:18,19. This is His glory: The Lord passed before Moses, and proclaimed, "The Lord, The Lord God, merciful and gracious, long-suffering, and abundant in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin." Exodus 34:6,7. He is "slow to anger, and of great kindness," "because He delighteth in mercy." Jonah 4:2; Micah 7:18. God has bound our hearts to Him by unnumbered tokens in heaven and in earth. Through the things of nature, and the deepest and tenderest earthly ties that human hearts can know, He has sought to reveal Himself to us. Yet these but imperfectly represent His love. Though all these evidences have been given, the enemy of good blinded the minds of men, so that they looked upon God with fear; they thought of Him as severe and unforgiving. Satan led men to concieve of God as a being whose chief attribute is stern justice-one who is a severe judge, a harsh, exacting creditor. He pictured the Creator as a being who is watching with jealous eye to discern the errors and mistakes of men, that He may visit judgments upon them. It was to remove this dark shadow, by revealing to the world the infinite love of God, that Jesus came to live among men. To be
DeleteHello, I hope you had a blessed day today...The Son of God came from heaven to make manifest the Father. "No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, He hath declared Him." John 1:18. "Neither knoweth any man the Father, save the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal Him." Matthew 11:27. When one of the disciples made the request, "Show us the Father," Jesus answered, "Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known Me, Philip? He that hath seen Me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, show us the Father? John 14:8,9. In describing His earthly mission, Jesus said, The Lord "hath anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He hath sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised." Luke 4:18. This was His work. Will continue you! mom
DeleteNo problem, Josh, but you might not like my next comment. I won't talk about your childhood or your experience with your guardian angel, but I think the rest is fair game.
ReplyDeleteIf god didn't want us to "over-complicate things," then why did he give us the capacity to do so? What's the point of giving your creations brains capable of higher thinking if you don't want them to use their brains to the fullest? I think a literal interpretation is just as valid as a figurative interpretation because there aren't any instructions in the bible about how to interpret it.
So god makes mistakes, but he can do no wrong? I'm sorry, Josh, but that doesn't make a bit of sense. I do realize that god could've wiped out Satan and his angels. In fact, I grew up hearing about that all the time as adults tried to explain to me how evil can exist; it always seems to end in the argument that god could've made us all robots, but he didn't because he loves us. Think about this, though: if god succeeds in defeating sin at the end of the world, then wouldn't freewill collapse and wouldn't we become the robots that Christians believe god didn't want us to be?
“His second mistake was to allow Adam and Eve to continue living after eating from the forbidden tree.” All they did was act a little bit disobedient. It wasn't like god created another man and woman and then Adam and Eve murdered them out of jealousy or something, they just ate some fruit. Something that no one seems to point out is that god didn't tell Adam and Eve that they would live forever if they ate from the Tree of Life. How can you make the right choice if you don't even know what the right choice is? Besides, it's not like the other tree was called the Tree of Death, it was called the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Who are you going to believe about that tree? Someone who tells you that the fruit will kill you or someone who tells you that the fruit will give you knowledge of good and evil? It's almost like god was saying "Yeah, I know that looks like an apple tree over there, but it really grows oranges" while the snake was saying "Um, no, this is an apple tree that grows apples." Also, Adam and Eve didn't die right away like one would naturally expect, they died centuries later. Yes, I've already heard the apologetic that god was talking about a spiritual death, but if that’s true, then why didn't god specify that Adam and Eve were going to die spiritually if they ate the forbidden fruit?
"This power of Choice is what allows us to go against God's plans for us." Really? So god has certain plans for us that he wants us to follow, he gives us the choice to not follow his plans for us, but yet he punishes us for using the freedom that he gave us? It's one thing to give your creations freewill instead of making them robots, but if you're going to punish them for veering away from the parameters that you approve of, then what was the point of giving them freewill at all? Why not just go ahead and make robots if you're just going to punish your creations for doing things that you don't like?
"I believe it is not until we give up this 'Choice' and truly give our self over to God that we can become pure and be like Him." So you're saying that the only way that we can please god is to give up our freewill? Again, why didn't he just make robots if he ultimately wasn't interested in his creations having freewill?
As I said in my blog, These are my beliefs, the way I see things. You have your beliefs. On that note, I won't try to argue with you. But I will let you see how I personally see it...not that I am correct, nor that you are, but this is how I see things, nothing more, nothing less. First of all you said, Why give your creatures the ability for higher thinking if you didn't want them to use it. This was not the case. Just because one has the ability and capacity to kill, does not make it right. Just because you have the capacity built the atom bomb that will kill millions of lives, doesn't mean you should. Just because one has the capacity to do something does not mean that they should or that is in their best interest. That's how I see it. By taking something literally you see something for more than it is, thus clouding the ability to see the simplicity of the message. When a genius looks at the number sequence of a computer system and takes it for literal 1's and 0's, they only take it at face value instead of looking beyond those literal numbers and seeing the sequence and hidden code behind it. Not sure that one makes sense. But somehow in my head it sounded right.
ReplyDeleteThe difference between humans and robots is their ability to love and their capacity to procreate. Like I said, the human concept of mistakes is different than God's. You gotta stop thinking like a human, and start thinking like God to understand. Now don't get me wrong, I don't think I'm godly whatsoever, but I think I'm beginning to understand Him more and more. In the end, the whole reason for God defeating Satan and sin in the end is to prove that it is by our own free will that we surrender to God and put all our trust in him with all our hearts, souls, and minds. This does not mean we will not have the ability to choose or not have freewill, but that we will not want to choose anything different. Why would one want to live a sinful life? Why would someone choose death? But we do, and we have. Why? Because we can. Like I said, just because you can, does not mean you should. Just because you can touch fire, does not mean you should.
When I said plans for us, I didn't mean literal set plans. Your parents had plans for you I'm sure while you were growing up. Plans to be a good man, to know right from wrong, to take baths, and do your school work, and be a good citizen. And if you did wrong, did they not punish you? Did they not ground you or give you some sort of punishment? Did this mean they didn't love you? Does this mean that you didn't have free will? It's the same concept with us and Christ, we are His children. Of course, if we stray from his ultimate plan for us, which is to live with him forever, we will be punished. Does not mean he doesn't love us, or such things as this, but it is for our own good.
Ever heard the concept 'baby christians' When christians become Adults, I believe there comes a point, just like in every parents life, to 'let go', to let their child fly the nest and become their own person. Hoping that they taught you correctly. The same goes for God. And just like your parents, he never leaves you, or stops loving you, even when you do wrong. He's always there, waiting on the sidelines for you to come home.
To give up 'choice' does not mean to give up your freewill. It's like when two people are married. In the bible it's say that the man will cleave to his wife, and they will be as one. One depending on the other. When parents and couples make choice after being married, they have to think of the other person and make decisions as a unit, otherwise the relationship never lasts. This is also true once you 'marry' Christ. You give up your singular choices for choices that have to be made with the consideration and cooperation of Christ. He is our companion, not our enemy.
"Just because one has the ability and capacity to kill, does not make it right. Just because you have the capacity built the atom bomb that will kill millions of lives, doesn't mean you should."
DeleteKilling is not equivalent to thinking, and while thinking has made the atomic bomb possible, thinking in and of itself was not what led to the creation or use of the atomic bomb, it was intent. Bad intent gave us the atomic bomb but good intent gave us modern medicine, democracy, the extension of civil rights to everyone, art, music, etc. If we hadn't used our brains, we would still be living the harsh lives of hunters and gatherers and you and I wouldn't be having this long-distance conversation over our computers.
"By taking something literally you see something for more than it is, thus clouding the ability to see the simplicity of the message."
How am I seeing it for more than it is? None of the authors of the bible are alive today to clarify what they meant. There are pastors that attempt to do that, but doesn't it seem convenient that the aim of Christianity is to just be like a child and limit your thinking? "The Great Oz has spoken! Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!"
"This does not mean we will not have the ability to choose or not have freewill, but that we will not want to choose anything different. Why would one want to live a sinful life? Why would someone choose death? But we do, and we have. Why? Because we can."
If we won't want to choose anything different, then why did Adam and Eve and some of the angels choose something different? If living with god is so wonderful, then how could they have chosen something else? What if Heaven was just one holy city in an endless series of holy cities where god lives with his creations, the New Jerusalem being the next in the series? What if the angels had their own version of the Garden of Eden, long, long ago? What if creation, rebellion, and judgment form an endless cycle?
"Your parents had plans for you I'm sure while you were growing up. Plans to be a good man, to know right from wrong, to take baths, and do your school work, and be a good citizen. And if you did wrong, did they not punish you?"
They never threw me into a lake of fire or sentenced me to a spiritual death, which is supposed to be a fate worse than death.
"When christians become Adults, I believe there comes a point, just like in every parents life, to 'let go', to let their child fly the nest and become their own person. ... He's always there, waiting on the sidelines for you to come home."
So god wants us to be independent, but he really doesn't?
"When parents and couples make choice after being married, they have to think of the other person and make decisions as a unit, otherwise the relationship never lasts. This is also true once you 'marry' Christ. You give up your singular choices for choices that have to be made with the consideration and cooperation of Christ."
Well if you make decisions independent of your spouse, your spouse might get upset, but they're still not going to throw you into a lake of fire for that.